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Who I am


Luca Soave

Luca Soave was born in Cuneo, Italy. In 1992, he pursued a degree in Architecture at the Politecnico di Torino. Then, he attended the Politecnico di Milano receiving a Master Degree in Urban Design and Planning. From 1995 to 2002 he was assistant at the Politecnico di Torino, teaching Theory of Restoration and Architectonic Restoration. For the time being, he carries out his professional and research activity working in the field of contemporary alpine architecture, realising restoration and conservation of historical, artistic and clerical structures, architectonic projects as well as interior architecture and design. He also operates in areas with landscape and environmental constraints.

I turn my tribute and thanks to everyone who worked with me, in a piece of professional life together, because they supported a passion with courage, taking part in an always open debate, towards an architecture to live as an interactive background of sensations, doubts and great emotions.